What We Do

Investing alongside Entrepreneurs


David spent a thirty-five year career working shoulder to shoulder with highly successful entrepreneurs serving in an agent capacity as corporate strategy and M&A advisor. Over the years, certain clients would ask, “David, why don’t You become an investor in my business? I trust you. I see the perspective and value that you bring in helping me navigate the rocks and shoals towards my eventual goals. Why would I settle for institutional capital, if I can get an experienced, trusted advisor who also brings supportive capital?” Luana Investments was established to meet that ask. Representative relationships include start-up’s to later-stage companies, each with some disruptive strategy led by owner-managers who view David as their consigliere and guide to an eventual capital gain.

Investing alongside Fund Managers


The last thirty years has seen the ascendancy of alternative investments. Many of these vehicles provide capital in some form to the private market where David has spent his entire career. Being in this stream of opportunity has brought clarity on the critical factors for sustainable fund manager success: a consistent, focused fund mandate; some “secret sauce” that other competing Fund Managers lack; management who shares parallel economic interest with their investors; and scar tissue gained from multiple investment cycles.

The 3 T’s: Time, Talent & Treasure


The Linton family’s philanthropy has taken many forms over the years, resulting in a wide range of outcomes and experiences. Models that follow the philosophy of “teaching someone how to fish instead of simply giving them a fish” have attracted the family’s largest commitments. David has served in Board leadership positions on several notably successful employment social enterprises.